I love the challenge of writing in four different genres, which I liken to the seasons of the year.

On these pages, I bring decades of experience as a critiquer, teacher, columnist and published author and showcase my work, Past, Present and Future, in different genres and for different reading audiences.

If you like dark fiction, I wrote two of the “Scary Stories for Sleepovers” books for Middle Graders. And check out my new horror serial for YA and above, “The Lodge At Fear Summit,” on Kindle Vella. Read more about it, and sneak a peek at the first episode here.

If motivational writing is your style, see “Chicken Soup for the Beach Lover’s Soul.” It’s one of three “Chicken Soup” books in which my stories appear.

Like mysteries? Check out A FULL SHORT STORY: “A Letter for the Bayou”, originally published in Mystery Weekly Magazine.

Be an ARC Reader/reviewer for the first book in my soon-to-be-published series, Touch.

For Middle Grade (8-12), I am currently querying the completed novel, “Seven Clocks.”

Take a peek at my completed YA book, “Falling Off The Mountain.”

My "Fortunes for Fiction" Tweets are for everyone. The verbiage—with new writing tips 365 days a year— is also available on the Daily page on this site.

Writers and readers of all ages will find encouragement here, no matter what season—or seasons—in which you choose to create or read.



The Spider Bite Murders is an adult mystery in a California forest with a psychic detective trying to stop serial killings (available in Spring, 2024!).



Blooms and promises set the scene in YA coming-of-age Falling Off the Mountain

— in which our late-teen protagonist has three months to deal with three terrible secrets.




In Seven Clocks, a middle-reader, two kids must figure out who’s messing with time. Then one is turned very young

—and the other very old.




A Letter for the Bayou is the poignant mystery tale of an old detective hoping to spend his retirement with poetry and a quiet life. But when the peace of the Southern bayou in his backyard is violently shattered, suddenly he finds himself back on duty.